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Popular theaters this week
Dramox theaters
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Ungelt Theater
4 performances
Sklep Theater
3 performances
Dlouha Street Theater
7 performances
Klicpera Theater
5 performances
Prague City Theater
6 performances
Opera Aperta
2 performances
Divadlo Mír
2 performances
Wild Theater
4 performances
Petr Bezruč Theater
13 performances
Dejvice Theater
7 performances
Ivan Franko Theater
3 performances
The Clown Angels
1 performance
Vinnytsia Sadovsky Theater
5 performances
Collegium Nobilium Theatre
5 performances
Spejbl and Hurvínek Theater
7 performances
Národní divadlo moravskoslezské
4 performances
Odesa Ukrainian Vasylko Theater
1 performance
Horácké Theater Jihlava
6 performances
Kana Theater
1 performance
The Norwegian National Ballet
1 performance
Left Bank Theater
7 performances
Golden Gate Theater
3 performances
Ivan Zaiets
1 performance
"Rainbow" State Puppet Theater
2 performances
Transcarpathian Regional Theater of Drama and Comedy
2 performances
Arena Theater
2 performances
Divadlo Nová scéna
1 performance
Art.Razom Independent Artistic Association
2 performances
The Three Dots Company
1 performance
Karlín Music Theater
1 performance
Studio Ypsilon
1 performance
Debris Company
2 performances
Teatr Kamila Maćkowiaka
1 performance
Sopot Dance Theatre
4 performances
Sláva Daubnerová
4 performances
Dnipro Academic Drama and Comedy Theater
1 performance
Maria Zankovetska National Drama Theater
1 performance
Ivano-Frankivsk Puppet Theater
1 performance
LUDUS Theater
1 performance
National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine
5 performances
Katarzyna Mykietyn
4 performances
Inverted Theater
2 performances
Malta Festival Poznań
1 performance
Ternopil Academic Regional Actor and Puppet Theater
1 performance
Peter Mankovecky Theater
1 performance
Pink Mama Theatre
2 performances
Poltava Puppet Theater
1 performance
Divadlo RePublika
1 performance
Les Kurbas Lviv Academic Youth Theater
4 performances
Andrej Bagar Theater in Nitra
4 performances
Teátr Pavla Šmída
4 performances
Khmelnytskyi Academic Regional Puppet Theater
4 performances
Národné divadlo Košice
2 performances
Vilnyi Theatre OKО
2 performances
Publicist Theater
2 performances
2 performances
Divadlo Štúdio tanca
5 performances
Chernihiv Regional Youth Theater
2 performances
Kyiv Academic Drama Theater on Podil
2 performances
Nafta Theater
1 performance
Touch Point
4 performances
Divadlo Pôtoň
1 performance
Na Jezerce Theater
3 performances
Lesia Ukrainka Drama Theater
5 performances
The Latebloomers
2 performances
Birdlife Productions
1 performance
Divadlo Na zábradlí
1 performance
Pod Palmovkou Theater
3 performances
Divadlo Tramtarie
5 performances
Geissler's Hofcomoedianten
2 performances
Beautiful Flowers
1 performance
South Bohemian Theater
4 performances
Wolandian Theater
1 performance
Poznań Animation Theater
3 performances
Komorní scéna Aréna
4 performances
Loutky bez hranic
2 performances
Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav
3 performances
Zlín Municipal Theater
4 performances
Slovácké divadlo
5 performances
Vršovické divadlo Mana
2 performances
Bábkové divadlo na Rázcestí
5 performances
3 performances
2 performances
Činohra 16-20
1 performance
Selfconscious Productions
1 performance
2 performances
Dramma per Musica Festival
1 performance
The Same Self
1 performance
ALLSAT s.r.o.
1 performance
Divadlo DISK
1 performance
Ester Natzijl
1 performance
Studio Malé divy
1 performance
1 performance
“Actor” Theater
1 performance
1 performance
Snail Puppet Theater
2 performances
Vosto5 Theater
1 performance
Drama Label
3 performances
GaRmYdEr Theater
1 performance
Theater on SOLOmianka - Kyiv Chamber Theater
2 performances
ProEnglish Theater
3 performances
Kyiv Opera Theater
2 performances
Natalia Blok and Daisy Hayes
1 performance
STUDIO Theater-Gallery
1 performance
Mestské divadlo Žilina
2 performances
PLECIUGA Puppet Theatre
2 performances
Philippe Genty
1 performance
Kyiv Academic Theater on Pechersk
2 performances
Cirque Barcode
1 performance
NASHi Experimental Theatre Club
1 performance
Free Group «Makh»
1 performance
Divadlo Polárka
1 performance
Těšínské divadlo Bajka
9 performances
Líšeň Theater
2 performances
Ensemble Aspamia
1 performance
Moving Station
1 performance
J.K. Tyl Theater
7 performances
Royal Ballet of Flanders
1 performance
Royal Opera of Versailles
1 performance
Chernihiv Puppet Theater named after O. Dovzhenko
2 performances
Radost Theater
1 performance
1 performance
1 performance
The Transcarpathian Regional Hungarian Drama Theater
2 performances
Trygve Wakenshaw
2 performances
Moravské divadlo Olomouc
1 performance
Naivní divadlo Liberec
1 performance
Tygr v tísni
2 performances
Divadlo Scéna
3 performances
F.X. Šalda Theater
2 performances
Goose on a String Theater
3 performances
Divadlo Jána Palárika
3 performances
Lampion Theater
2 performances
Divadlo loutek Ostrava
2 performances
Spolek Kašpar
3 performances
Divadlo 3+KK
2 performances
Slovenské marionetové divadlo
2 performances
Tom Corradini Teatro
3 performances
Woman’s Move
2 performances
Theatre Nation
1 performance
1 performance
Divadlo Jozefa Gregora Tajovského
2 performances
The Slovak National Theater
7 performances
Losers Cirque Company
2 performances
Marjanishvili Theatre
1 performance
English National Ballet
1 performance
The Czech National Ballet
1 performance
National Theater of Nice
1 performance
Los Angeles Opera
1 performance
Zürich Opera House
1 performance
Na Fidlovačce Theater
3 performances
Michal Bratt
1 performance
Kyiv Academic Puppet Theater
3 performances
DRAK Theater
3 performances
Goat in the Coat
1 performance
Dezorz's Puppet Theater
1 performance
Staré divadlo Karola Spišáka v Nitre
2 performances
Insha Dance Company
1 performance
1 performance
Dakh Theater
3 performances
The Drama Club
2 performances
Cirque le Roux
1 performance
Omnibus Theater
1 performance
Theatre 360 Degrees
2 performances
Varta Theater
1 performance
Divadlo LETÍ
2 performances
Open Opera Ukraine
2 performances
Stratford Festival
6 performances
Transcarpathian Puppet Theatre „Bavka“
1 performance
Západočeské divadlo v Chebu
1 performance
Théâtre Libre
1 performance
East Bohemian Theater Pardubice
5 performances
1 performance
Ailie Cohen Puppet Maker
1 performance
Slezské divadlo Opava
1 performance
Vol'e Temps
1 performance
Mime Wave
1 performance
Lviv National Opera and Ballet
4 performances
Studio G
2 performances
Jedným dychom
1 performance
Kyiv Modern Ballet
2 performances
Radošina Naive Theater
1 performance
Lviv Puppet Theater
2 performances
n'Era Dance Group
1 performance
Khmelnytsky Regional Academic Music and Drama Theater
2 performances
Uhol 92
1 performance
Ukrainian Small Drama Theater
2 performances
Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater
1 performance
Coryphaeus theatre
1 performance